Miao Marriage Traditional And Cultural Practices 

The Miao people are one of China's largest minority ethnic groups, numbering over nine million. Miao is a blanket term used across a group of linguistically and culturally related minorities in southwest China.

The Miao language belongs to the Sino-Tibetan system, the Miao-Yao family, Miao branch. It is typologically akin to the Thai language. There are three dialects and seven sub-dialects.

Wedding Customs of Miao ethnic Group: Marriage in China

Among many ethnic groups in China, the Miao have maintained their wedding traditionsand customs, which vary in different places and locations Miao tribe. Parents usually arrange marriages,but unmarried young men and women have the freedom to court.

Mass courting occasions sometimes take place during holidays and festivals, when young women gather to sing antiphonal love songs with young men from neighbouring villages. If a couple is attracted to each other, they exchange love tokens.

But they must seek the approval of their parents before they can marry.


Miao Marriage Traditional And Cultural Practices 

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